Saturday, March 25, 2006

Blogging because nothing else seems to make sense for me to do at the moment.

How much of the gory details do you want to hear? Probably not many so I’ll make it brief.

I had to wake John up at noon. I hate it when he sleeps that long but I don’t like to wake him up because he reeks havoc on weekends. I wanted to get some work done and knew that if I woke him up it wouldn’t happen.

Bad choice.

I also knew this wasn’t going to be a good weekend because he would be stressed about returning to public school, so I should have been more prepared to entertain him. I was making some plans, but hadn’t got there yet, when all hell broke lose.

Apparently he thought the girls had something of his and started yelling at them. Since Salinda still isn’t speaking to her Dad or me, she refused to get me involved, handling it herself, which did not go well. The result was Tony and Dominyk and I taking the brunt of his anger and him leaving the house saying we should call the police because he is not coming back.

Since he is still under “protective supervision” if he is gone overnight, we could be at risk of having him removed again, though sometimes I just feel like saying “he gets what he gets.” I have to keep reminding myself of the good moments ... and reminding myself that he is mentally ill... and that we need to remain committed to him.

But the aftermath of his anger really stinks.

Now of course, Salinda still isn’t speaking to me, John is gone, and Dominyk completely flipped out, blaming me for the whole situation because I didn’t go up there when it started.

Maybe I should never have started a blog. It’s hardly ever fun or light hearted any more. Maybe because my life isn’t.

Waaaa Waaaa Waaaa

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