Sunday, March 26, 2006

But there is always evidence that God's there

I talked to Bart after his speaking engagement tonight and confessed about losing the $60.00. I felt awful.

But five minutes later he called back and said, “I just opened the honorarium check -- guess how much it was for.” Thinking that God might have a unique sense of humor, I said, “$60?”

When he said the amount my mouth dropped open. Much more than we were expecting and certainly more than $60.

God is good... all time time.

All the time, God is good.


  1. Indeed he is ... he never fails to provide for us even when we dont do exactly as he wants us to. Im glad God blessed you today!

  2. And just think of what He might be doing with the $60 you lost!! Maybe the person who found the money was able to buy some much needed groceries. We don't always know the miracles we are involved in. God bless! ~Kari
