Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I Get to Stay Home Today!

And I’m excited. I am not planning to leave our town again until Saturday if at all possible.

After traveling 30 miles and back to have family therapy alone with John and his therapist because Bart didn’t feel well, I then picked him up and we headed to Mankato. We had lunch, looked at furniture, and then I had a post-placement visit and a homestudy visit. I then sat in the van with him and had supper while he continued to suffer. Following that we met with a committee at our new church. I won’t say details about that, but it is amazing how this quote from yesterday’s s very appropriate at this time. “When God wants to do something great He starts with a problem. When He wants to do something spectacular, he starts with an impossibility.”

Anyway, I say all that to say this. We saw our District Superintendent (who recently discovered my blog, sending me into minor panic because who knows what I’ve written. Fortunately he doesn’t have time in the day to go through the history and read everythin.) Anyway, he was indicating to me that in the last two days he had gone here, there, and everywhere in MN (he named the places) and by the time he had arrived he could have driven to Chicago.

Well, I added up my hours in vehicles over the last 9 days and I could have driven to San Antonio and back. I have spent over 35 hours in vehicles, usually driving, some riding, as we did our trip to AZ, while we were in AZ, and this week with all of my work related trips.

Today I am just going to sit right at my desk. Bart is still enjoying the new washer and dryer so much that I don’t have to do laundry. I am going to tackle the 161 emails in my in box, clean off my desk, and hopefully have time to finish our taxes. I am going to have to calm myself a little as I slip back into the working at my desk zone.

It’s good to be home.

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