Friday, March 03, 2006

A Purple Soul

Last night Dominyk had an entire roll of scotch tape around his fingers. The tips were turning purple. We had to find scissors and cut the tape off it was wound so tightly.

That is how my heart, or soul, or whatever my insides are called feels like.

I have layers and layers of stress. First and foremost is the layer closest to me that is most troublesome -- the layer of whether or not we are going to get the house and how the struggling for the financing of the house is going to affect our future. The second is the stress of the upcoming move and how much needs to be done as well as how much the stress of the move is affecting the kids and their behavior. Other layers include the trouble my families are having with finalizing their adoptions, the number of things I am behind in for both my jobs, the goal that my team has for adopt america that I’m not sure I can meet with all of our other stressors this year, our income taxes and my parents that I need to do, upcoming trips in March and May that I need people to watch the kids for but I’m nervous to ask, the behaviors MIke and John are presenting, the fact that we have court on Monday about John and what is happening with that, the fact that I’m parenting alone for the next 33 hours, our bell performance on Sunday that always adds to the stress, and many other little tiny seemingly insignificant things that go along with it. I literally feel like the top of my soul is turning purple.

It is truly a good thing that God can put us on high ground.

1 comment:

  1. Although my set of stressors is different than yours, I completely understand. One of my kids this morning said somthign that hit too close to home for me and thats all i can think bout today.

    May God surround you and your family in his perfect peace that passes all understanding. May you put on the armor of God and make it thru all that comes your way with his help. May God remind you that he chose you for these kids and these tasks and that he has faith in you!
