Thursday, March 30, 2006

Running Wild

In addition to the big burdens of unpleasant, gut wrenching professional situations, I personally don’t feel well and someone has named my house, “Meltdown City.”

I did so much running tonight and that on top of behaviors and the continued sense of loss regarding work situations has me exhausted. I know I’m being vague, but it’s confidential and I can’t risk blogging about it, but I’m sure you can tell it is really, really bothering me.

It was pouring rain when school got out, so I had Tony’s PCA get the 4 elementary kids while I picked up Rand, took him to work, and then tried to find Salinda and Jimmy, who were already home. I came home, calmly observed Jimmy’s meltdown, and then took Jimmy and Ricardo to get their hair cuts. I came home to a troubling email regarding a situation with Mike, and then took Dominyk (who did NOT want a haircut) to get his haircut. He had a huge meltdown in the house, in the van, and when I dropped him off at the salon to park he apparently had another one. Waited for Tony to be brought back for his haircut, brought them home, went and got pizza, came home for 12 minutes, and then went and got John. Now Bart is off to take Rand back to work to return the box cutter he accidentally brought home.

On John’s fourth day back to public school he told his special ed teacher that he would not be bringing his assignment notebook or his spelling words home. He says he was kidding. I don’t think she thought it was funny.

And now tonight I’m supervising Jimmy who is supposed to be working to pay us back for money he has stolen and I’m too tired to even think.

Dang I wish I could wake up and everything could be resolved.

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