Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Thoughts that have raced through my mind in the last few hours

I worked at my desk, rested a while with my not-feeling-good husband, and then hit the bank, post office, grocery store, fitness center and library. I then came home to face supper.

Dominyk was a basket case at supper time. He did not want to be there, did not want to eat, did not want to cooperate. That would be find if it didn’t mean that John had to be a super jerk in response, escalating the situation to the point that I had to leave the room and go into the kitchen with Dominyk. Then he said what always gives me a pang of pain in my heart to hear, “You don’t know what it is like to be me!”

That’s for sure. I can’t imagine being caged inside a mind and body tormented by severe ADHD and OCD. I don’t know what it would be like not to be able to organize my thoughts or to not be able to stop pulling the hairs out of my head. I don’t know what it would be like to have the kids at school make fun of me all day long whenever the teacher wasn’t looking.

After finishing supper, we did dishes and Sadie asked me to sing the songs my mother used to teach me. So I sang the songs she learned from her Grandmother like “Daisy, Daisy” and

Oh I went to the bakery for something to eat
for I was hungry from my head to my feet
I picked up a donut and I licked off the grease
and I handed the waitress a five cent piece.

She looked at the nickel and she looked at me
she said kind sir can’t you plainly see
there’s a whole in the nickel and it’s through and through
said I there’s a whole in the donut too.

Then I came into my office to hear the noises of John outside breaking mops by throwing them in trees. It’s annoying when almost 16 year olds are out leading 10 and 12 year olds in stupid ventures.

Then a friend of Mike’s comes by to get some of his stuff, which of course, is nowhere. I tried to apologize that that was the way Mike was ... but he is always able to manipulate folks who don’t know him well until finally they figure it out and then it’s too late.

So, my emotions are all over the place -- up down mad sad happy nostalgic frustrated annoyed ... all in an hour.

What a life!

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