Friday, March 31, 2006

Very Few Hours to Work

Today is one of those days where family issues come first and my work will sit. And then tomorrow it’s a total family responsibility day.

On Monday, a group of people from church is coming to tour the parsonage. We understand that it needs to be done -- they have to determine what needs to be fixed (like EVERYTHING!) But Bart is gone from this morning until tomorrow night, and a LOT of heavy duty cleaning needs to be done -- as well as decluttering, some packing, lots of organizing. Between tonight and tomorrow we should get a lot of it done, but that will keep me from getting any work done.

In addition, this morning I have to make a trip over to the school, go to the pharmacy and the bank, and take John to therapy and the dentist. Tonight is “inflatable gym night” for the little kids, but I’m having a PCA go for the first portion so that I don’t leave John who could blow up at any second here with any kids smaller than him.

I had weird disturbing dreams and didn’t sleep well, but regardless of whatever happens during the night, I always feel better in the morning...

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