Friday, March 24, 2006

The Very LAST Time

I just did our taxes for the last time until we are old and grey and in nursing homes and have nothing but social security income.

I’m in over my head and it takes me way too long. I thought I had it all done when I was in AZ, but it took most of my day to get it finished today. I got Kyle’s tax checks written and ready to mail, got our federal and state done, copies made, checks written, etc. and just finished. Started at 7:30 a.m. and it’s almost 4... The only break I took was to run annoying errands for an hour.

Heading into a busy but not fun weekend because Bart is the one who is busy and I am the one who will be here with only one vehicle and too many kids to fit into it. He has a memorial service tomorrow afternoon and then after church Sunday he has to drive two hours to Mankato, ironically, to do an evangelism seminar at one of the other churches there that has been scheduled for a long time.

Wish there was something to look forward to in the midst of it all... but right now it’s one battle after another to hope for. Salinda is going to avoid both of us as long as she can (probably until she needs something) and then be nasty before she’s nice. John is going to be living in high-anxiety land over his transition back to public school, so he will be a bear to deal with all weekend. And then there’s the rest of the stuff.

But at least I’m beyond the full-blown embarrassing rages in Walmart stage, right Mrs. A?

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