Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Happy Birthday (My Baby is TEN!)

Dominyk turned 10 today, bringing all ten of our kids into the double digits. He is the most frustrating, adorable, destructive, delightful, annoying, hilarious, hyperactive, sweet bundle of wild boy any parents could hope for, even in their wildest dreams. In the midst of his special needs, and there are many, is a creative, bright, fun kid who, like Nathaniel in the Bible, has no guile.

There are few days that go by where he doesn’t do or say something that makes me smile and warms my heart. There are also few days that go by that he doesn’t do something incredibly destructive, cuss me our, or threaten to hurt me. But he’s been with us the longest and I think this gives us a better idea of how much of what he does is related to his special needs and how much is volitional.

Last night he bought a phone for $2.99 on clearance that doubles as a Destiny’s Child single song CD player or something weird like that. He was so excited that he kept wanting to use it, but didn’t really have anyone to call. Thus I received a “Hi, Mom, ”I Love you Mom“ message on my cell phone with Destiny’s Child playing in the background.

It’s kind of sad that he’s 10 though. Having little kids is fun. But the truth us, little kids turn in to big kids, without permission, whether we like it or not. When we moved to Luverne 7 years ago strangers asked if I was running a day care. My guess is that in Mankato they’ll think I’m a youth pastor.

When Dominyk moved in over 9 years ago, we never knew what a ride it would be. But since, as with all of my kids, the good comes with the bad, I would do it all again. Because in spite of the trials, he brings so much joy.

Happy Birthday Dominyk!

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