Monday, April 03, 2006

Heading into the Zone

I have a five o’clock deadline and a house to finish cleaning. I am heading into the zone -- that place I refer to where I hyper-focus on the task at hand.

The prospective pastor who was supposed to visit last night didn’t come after all, so we’re going to finish cleaning today after/during my intensive efforts to finish the matching bash charts for April. I only have about 300 emails to process and about 1/2 that many kids to either add, delete, or modify on the charts. My goal is to have them done by 5 today, but they don’t really HAVE to be done until Wednesday morning at 8. I’m shooting for 5 today because I have some other stuff I really need to do tomorrow.

Everyone made it out the door without a meltdown this morning, although Tony earned 45 minutes of extra reading time this afternoon for his repetitive use of the word that rhymes with trucker.


  1. what's wrong with sucker?

  2. I was thinking pucker. Did he eat something sour?:)
