Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I Love Ya, Tomorrow

Tony is in the middle of a 65, going on 70 minute meltdown over $2.00 and the fact that after listening to him cry and having Tony refuse to do anything with him, I finally let his PCA go home. He is also upset he is not going with us this weekend so that is adding to the torture. The rest of the night doesn’t look much more promising. We have our final lenten service at the Presbyterian church, which historically has not gone well.

BUT, tomorrow at 11:25 a.m. I am leaving my house, picking up Sadie at the Elementary School and Salinda and JImmy at the MIddle School and we’re heading to Mankato. Sometime that night, my friend Paula and three of her kids are going to arrive. Later, my friend Meg, who is at this time blogless, will be arriving with one of her daughters. And then on Friday Michele and three or four of her kids will be joining us. Kari is going to join us off and on for the days we are there. We’re going to fill holes and spackle and paint and make pillows and bedspreads and do all kinds of stuff. We’re also going to have some time to fellowship and support one another as several of us are going through some pretty yucky stuff with our kids.

I will get to spend this time with fun people doing something productive. Our kids will enjoy being together. It will be an exhausting but fun time and hopefully by the time we head back on Saturday I will be feeling better about stuff.

And I’ll be praying the whole time that nothing yucky happens here while Bart is home with the others. I feel really guilty for scheduling so much fun time when I won’t be able to be with him to have it.

But in spite of that guilt, I’m really looking forward to being with these wonderful women and getting stuff done on the house.


  1. you deserve a break, girl! Enjoy it. BTW, what does PCA stand for?

  2. PCA is a Personal Care Attendant.

  3. Anonymous11:04 PM

    This sounds like a break, but not a break! Lots of work to do. I wan to see pictures!! Have a wonderful time.
