Sunday, April 02, 2006


I took John, Sadie, Tony and Jimmy to see “Cheaper x the 12 2.” On the way the kids watched Spiderman 2 on the DVD player in the van, so I “listened” to Spiderman 2. I realized just how much I feel like Spiderman. It would be hard for me to explain why, but the bottom line is that I feel like I have to do all the things that I am doing in my life, even when I don’t want to. I don’t feel like I have choices as I am pulled in other directions. Then in “Cheaper” it seemed like they were getting paybacks that we never get.

However, by the time I got back, Salinda was ready to apologize for this morning in church. It turns out she did attend church, from the balcony, and she did walk home -- slowly, but she walked home. So, instead of waiting 5 or 6 days, she faced the issue and apologized and that’s progress.

Tonight is one of those nights where nobody can find anything to do so everyone is agitated and looking for trouble.

I had popcorn at the movie -- not a whole bag, but obviously too much. I do not feel good at all.

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