Sunday, May 14, 2006

Another Day Planned to Suck

Looks like back on April 5th I blogged about A Day Planned to Suck.

Tomorrow I have another one. We have a meeting with the county about Mike and John (remember, the last one didn’t go so well. Then my supervisor, who isn’t thrilled with me lately, is coming down for a conversation. That is followed by a court hearing, if they find Mike by then, and then another hearing that could go well or not so well for one of my families. In the evening we have home-based therapy, which I don’t even want to comment on. We’re having it for 3 weeks before we move, which seems like it will be counter productive, but I’ve got no fight left in me about this particular issue.

Plus I’m cooking supper in the midst of that because Bart will be gone Monday afternoon and Tuesday.

I’ll be reeeeeally glad when tomorrow is over.

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