Saturday, May 06, 2006

Back Home Safely

We’re home safely. Everything went smoothly, though the 3 hour layover in MInneapolis was a little irritating. If we had driven home from there we would have gotten home faster.

Rand, Dominyk, Ricardo and John are home. The other kids will be coming home at varying times over the next couple hours. Sadie is at the zoo, Tony at a baseball game... don’t know where Salinda is, Jimmy is at a tennis match.

John is quarantined to his room as he is contagious. He didn’t have a lot to say and since I’m not sure what we’re going to do about things, I didn’t say much either.

Wish I had time to detail all of the various reasons why this is a difficult decision, but if you’ve been following the blog all year, I’m sure you know why.

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