Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Confession is Good for the Soul

OK, so I never got a nap in yesterday. I did try, but I couldn't fall asleep. I think I have discovered why I work so much.

When I am working, I'm not thinking. And when I'm not thinking, I feel pretty good. But when I stop activity and have to think, it goes downhill from there.

I have replayed Friday's psych hospital meeting over in my mind 100 times at least. And I have projected in my mind at least that many times how next Monday is going to go. i can't stop thinking about it.

But, last night I did work WHILE watching TV for an hour (does that count) -- the next to last episode of 7th Heaven. And I participated in a silly celebrity match experience on MyHeritage.com. Apparently I look like Artetha Franklin and Osama Bin Laden. That last piece was not encouraging.

This morning I was up and out of the door by a little after 8 to drive through traffic and end up downtown at the Georgia State Adoption Office. Had a fairly productive meeting there.

Now I'm back at the Westin for a couple of hours, trying to finish off those charts for the matching bash...


  1. Next time you talk to them over there at GA office of Adoption will you tell them to hurry the heck up with approving our homestudy! :) hehe.

    Hope that you are enjoying your stay in GA.



  2. Anonymous2:24 PM

    In what ways are you responding to John that the psychiatric staff finds counter-productive? If John does have bipolar disorder, your parenting practices are not responsible for that--although certainly different responses could affect him in different ways. How confusing for you not to be supported by the psychiatric staff.

  3. Actually, the sad piece is that this particular psychiatrist has never believed that John is BiPolar. His former psychiatrist did.

    We're not sure if he is or if he isn't. Some days it seems he really is, but the staff at the psych hospital seem to think what he does is volitional.
