Thursday, May 18, 2006

Leech Boy

I figured if Cindy can have a "VIper Girl" then I can have Leech Boy. The night before last he sucked me into a nobody will win everyone will lose argument that lasted an hour and left me completely drained of energy. When I tried to walk away, he followed me. When I tried to change subjects, he wouldn’t let me until I finally decided to discuss certain issues with him, and then he said he wasn’t going talk about that particular thing (that he had just brought up). I felt cornered and trapped and frustrated. And by the time it was over I was spent.

About 80% of the time he is a pretty charming and neat kid. Loving, grateful, and demonstrative of affection. But the other 20% it’s like having a leech around sucking out all of my time, energy, and emotional strength. And I know that it’s my responsibility for letting him get to me. The real kicker is that yesterday, after the fact, when we’re in therapy, he admits that he didn’t mean anything he said. Even though he’s a leech, I’m a sucker as well as a suckee...

Another problem is that when he is the 20% he sucks the energy out of everyone. He walks from room to room, child to child, starting arguments, causing problems, making them scream and cry.

But it’s only 20%. SO I guess I should be happy about that.

And I slept last night, which Kari didn’t get to, so I’m waking up grateful for that.

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