Friday, May 12, 2006

Makes a Head Spin

For the first four months that John was here he refused to get up. Said he was too tired -- that his medicine made him feel way too sleepy to get up. Every morning was a battle, especially Sundays.

I already reported that on this past Sunday, when he couldn’t go to church, he was up at 7. And again on Monday and Tuesday when he had no school he was up before 7. Yesterday and today he has been up at 6:15. So, in trying to “figure out why” (which is a huge mistake for someone dealing with children like mine) my mind races. Was he faking not being able to get up before and it is all intentional? Would doubling the meds that make him too tired to wake up make him all the sudden more able to wake up? What is his current incentive? Is it the weather change?

All in all he is doing very well, but there is no rhyme or reason to it. And it’s confusing. But I’d rather be confused as to why he’s doing well than why he’s not I guess. :-)


  1. Kids always get up early when they have an entire day to spend as they like. If they have to go do something they might not fully enjoy doing (like school or worship services) they'll drag their feet and take forever to get ready.

    Try this experiment: Stand by the door with car keys in hand and shout, "Hey kids, I'm leaving to go get ice cream. If you'd like to come, go get in the van now!"

    I suspect you won't be waiting long.

  2. Yeah, that explains Sunday, Monday and Tuesday -- but not yesterday and today...

    See mind boggling.
