Thursday, May 11, 2006

Marathon "Single Parenting"

I hate being both parents. I get really spoiled when Bart is here. I never have to cook, don’t have to do much laundry, and have someone to help with the behavior modification, discipline, and supervision.

But when he is gone, I have to do all of that alone plus my two jobs. Tonight it was one thing after another. After school I cleaned the kitchen and worked on dinner -- beans, rice, and homemade salsa. After dinner it was time to finish cleaning the kitchen, helped Sailnda study for a science spelling test, and gave ideas and suggestions for the paper mache rain forest animals.

I must digress for a moment and complain about parents who do their kids school projects for them. I make my kids do their own and they will not look as nice as the ones whose parents are doing them for them. But at least my kids will know that they have done them all on their own.Don’t get me wrong -- I found how to make them online and printed it out. I helped them write a list of what we needed to buy. I took them to the store to buy it. I helped them read the directions one step at a time.

But I didn’t do the work. Truth is, I couldn’t do it anyway. I have absolutely zero artistic ability away from the computer. So, they may not look as good as everyone else’s does, but at least they know they did it on their own.

Anyway, after the paper mache supervision I finished the kitchen (three days of pots and pans) and then sat down to talk with Bart on MSN. He is at our new house for the night.. Now I’m going to start bedtime -- 1/2 hour later than usual and hopefully be able to go to sleep within an hour. Really doubtful, but I’ll try.

But regardless of the condition of the animals, these are some of the cutest kids the 4th grade in this town has ever or will ever see.

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