Sunday, May 21, 2006

One More Weekend Almost Gone

In less than an hour all of our kids will at least be in their rooms and we will be starting another school week ... the last full school week before summer vacation begins, and any hours I have alone will be nothing but a vague memory.

Sadie’s party was a success. She and her 8 friends had a lot of fun and I didn’t do a half bad job of grilling hotdogs and organizing party games. Sadie was the star of her “High School Musical” Party and was truly in her element. She even scored a few gifts at her self-hosted "going away party" becuase even though she told me that she had told people not to bring any gifts, she did get a few birthday cards (birthday is in November).

Rand decided to leave the baseball game with a friend without he or his friend having permission to do so. We wouldn’t have found out that he had done so had his friend not ROLLED HIS TRUCK while Rand was in it. They were both unharmed, but Rand’s friend’s Mom called to let us know that his friend didn’t have permission to be anywhere but the game either.I guess the moral of that story is ... if you’re going to be somewhere you’re not supposed to be, don’t roll the truck.

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