Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Rest of the Story

On Saturday, Sadie was trying to earn money to pay me back for a loan for gift bags for her party. It’s a long story as it took several weeks for the scenario to evolve, but the bottom line was she needed to work most of Saturday. She turned the whole thing into an endless control battle. I went ahead and did the party for her, but expressed to her my disappointment.

Last night she put this note on my desk, which I didn’t read until this morning. (Spelling is as she wrote it).

Dear mom,Thank you for letting me have a paraty. You are the best mom in the world. I am sorry for Saturday. I don’t know what was up my butt. I hope you fregive me for all those houser you put up with me. I love you very munch. Love, Sadie Fletcher.

The note was ALMOST worth putting up with the day of opposition.


  1. Awwww - that is precious, indeed. I love these stories. It reminds me that no matter how bad my kids are in the future, its worth it.

  2. I always laugh at the way we adopted kids MAKE SURE we include our last name in letters of apology to our parents. As if you need to be reminded that we are your child.
