Sunday, May 28, 2006


I woke up a little after six this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. Fairly unusual for me. I tried lying there for a while thinking I'd go back to sleep, but it didn't happen, so I got up and showered. I just spent the last 20 minutes trying to change the picture on Cindy's blog to no avail (I don't have the right software on my computer.

In about 15 minutes I will wake up my little darlings and we will be heading off to church (not the one Bart currently pastors nor the one he will pastor starting the end of June, but another church). Dominyk has already stated under no uncertain terms that he will not be going, but he will be. Rand is excited because he knows some people here and the others range from indifferent to not at all happy about it. Oh well.

Today we will be spending some time at the mall and at the YMCA and hopefully getting some work done. There are still some projects that need doing and I think I'd be better of getting them to work today before we have fun than having all the fun today and working all day tomorrow.

Many disturbing dreams last night about court, which we found out will be one hearing for both Mike and John on Thursday. That's my last thing to truly dread for a while.

Ten more minutes of silence...

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