Thursday, June 08, 2006

70 Times 7

Cindy talks about Edgar and his Push-Pull. That is John 24-7. One minute he’s throwing his 210 lb body across my lap and wanted a big hug. The next minute he’s cursing at me, refusing to comply with any of my directives, and being more rude than I can tolerate.

But Jesus told Peter that we must forgive 70 times 7. Right now we’re in the push stage with him mistreating me, waiting for the loving apology that will require me to forgive him again. I’ve never had to forgive anyone as much as him.

When I blogged about John being a leach, I had a comment which I deleted that said, “It sounds like you’re talking about your worst enemy instead of your very own child.” I didn’t discuss it at the time, but I think that many of us who parent kids with mental health issues, especially when their teens, realize that the terms “worst enemy” and “very own child” are not mutually exclusive. Though it never lasts long, there are many times when my worst enemy for the moment is one of my children.

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