Tuesday, June 06, 2006

And it isn't getting much better ...

I continue to sit at the dining room table, directing the movers. The children continue to test my patience by not only doing nothing, but doing their best to annoy me sporadically.

I guess I shouldn't care what they decide. The choices are pretty easy. Their parents are on vacation. They can sit while we do all the work and have us not have any time to do anything with them, or they can help out so we actually get done before vacation is over and have time to do some things as a family.

This option (us working, them sitting in front of the TV) is certainly cheaper than movies, mini golf and bowling, so we will work while they sit. And I'll try to remember how much money I'm saving.

1 comment:

  1. If we hadn't sold our home and taken to the road, we would be right across the street from you and would be able to have you over for burgers or something for supper. I'm sure you are exhausted and could use a break. Hopefully your new neighborhood is welcoming you. You are in our thoughts and prayers and hearts. Hang in there!
