Saturday, June 10, 2006

Another Quiet Beginning

We were up until after 10:30 last night (I realize that’s not late for some, but for us it is) as Mike and Kari, Ben and Anna were here. Mike was working on our basement, Ben was playing with Dominyk (teaching him how to pull body parts off of GIJos, I kid you not), and Anna was entertaining Kari and I in our dark living room (we have no lamps there yet.

Before that I had rented a movie after our supper of beans and all in all the day ended fairly well. Today I have the task of balancing work and fun while spending the least amount of money as possible. I’m sure I’ll figure it out, but it is challenging.

Tomorrow Rand heads off to a District Missions Event for a few days, leaving me with only 6 kids -- which is a good number because we all fit into the van.

Everyone is still sleeping but I hear some movement, so it won’t be long before my day is filled with arguing and bickering...


  1. Are you looking for a 15 passenger fairly cheap? There is a place in shakopee where we got ours, might be worth a road trip for you.


  2. No thanks. We actually made the decision that we didn't want a vehicle we could all fit in together. So much bickering that it sounds too awful to comtemplate. :-)

    The only hassle is when one of us is out of town. The rest of the time it works quite well.
