Thursday, June 08, 2006


People who have children will relate to this I’m sure. There are kids that I can take to the store and say, “Now we are not here to buy anything for you, so please don’t ask for anything” and they will respect that, look around, help out, and enjoy our time together.

Others of my kids I can take to the store and say, “Now we are not here to buy anything for you, so please don’t ask for anything” and they will ask for everything they see and have their own version of a fit every time they ask and I say no. I wish I was talking about a toddler, but I have two kids like this and they are 11 and 15. And of course the beggars are the ones who always want to go. If the word “store” is mentioned, they are all over it. And the beggars are the ones who are unwilling to earn any money to spend.

Bart and I have been trying to coordinate this day for some time and the day is almost over and almost nothing that I had planned has been accomplished.

We’re under a time constraint because Bart, Kyle and Tony leave tomorrow for a trip to see my parents and then attend a conference in Arizona. This means that whatever doesn’t get done today doesn’t get done unless I do it. And since we have several children who will do anything for Bart but refuse to move a muscle if I ask, it is unlikely I’m going to get much help. In addition, my “vacation” will be over on Monday which means that I need to be working most of the time.

I don’t even think Calgon could take me away...

1 comment:

  1. I think we have some of the same children ....
