Saturday, June 17, 2006

How Can I Even Remember it All?

Yesterday afternoon and evening was one wild ride, very annoying. After being stuck here all day when the kids could have ridden their bikes at any time, the barricades were moved and we could finally drive. So 4 of the kids decided to ride bike to the YMCA. Since one of them was Kyle, and Rand is currently not driving because he decided to joy ride at the land fill on Friday, that meant that one of us had to give John and Ricardo a ride. Since John had been rude to me all day long, I told him that until I had an apology, he wasn’t going to get a ride from me. So he said, “Fine. Sorry for whatever, even though I didn’t do anything.” I agreed that he had followed my instructions to apologize but that I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of taking him when he was still being rude. We finally agreed that Bart would take him.

So, Kyle, Dominyk, Tony and Salinda took off for the YMCA on bike. Bart dropped John and Ricardo off at the Y at 4. I went to the store to discover that none of the new fridges will fit in the space we have allocated for it in the kitchen. I then went to Kohl’s. At 4:15 I found out from Bart that the Y closed at 5. At 4:40, Ricardo called saying they needed to have a ride home. I said, “You haven’t even been there 45 minutes. I’ll be there at 5 when it closes. At 4:45 I got a call from Salinda. They were already on their way back from the Y when Tony’s tire popped. I agreed to come pick up Tony. They insisted they didn’t need my help to get the bike into the van, but after trying for 10 minutes, I finally got it in there. Then we picked up John and Ricardo. I pulled into the driveway and said to Jimmy, run in and drop off the stuff and then come get the bike becuase I’m going to go run the errand I was planning on running at 4:40 when everyone started calling (Blockbuster to rent a movie).

Jimmy went inside but forgot to come back out to get the bike. So I called him out, he got the bike, but before I could leave, my cell rang and it was Salinda. ”Can you come pick me up?“ ”Why?“ I ask, thinking that her bike is messed up. She said, ”Because I don’t know where I am.“ I said, ”Well, I’ll have to know where you are if you want me to pick you up.“ She hung up on me. I called her back. ”Salinda, you have to give me some idea of where you are if you want me to come get you?“ ”I’ll just find my own way home.“ Click.

I texted her to tell her I was out looking for her and could use a hint. She called me. ”Warren Street!“ click. I finally found her and drove her home. 75 minutes after it was scheduled I made it to the video store.

Mike (not our Mike) was here working on our basement bedroom with Ben and Anna and they stayed for supper. Right before supper, Tony had a complete meltdown, so I sent him to his room.

When it was time to eat , we sat down and there was an extra spot at the table -- some of the kids were eating at the table in the porch and I thought that Jimmy had miscounted when setting. It wasn’t until the end of the meal that we realized that Tony was still in his room and had fallen asleep. How we could have not noticed that the most annoying child in the family was missing, I’ll never know.

At the end of the meal, and I will leave out the details because everyone involved is quite embarrassed, the car across the street, belonging to the only people from our church who live on this blog, got dented. They were very gracious, but what are the odds?

To get away for a bit I went over to visit with Kari and had a conversation wtih Anna that went like this:

”Can you come see the jumpies with me? “(dolphins at the zoo)

”No. Sorry, I can’t.“


”Because I have 10 kids.“


”Very good question.“

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