Friday, June 16, 2006

"My Mom Can Help You"

Yesterday at the YMCA my kids met a young girl, 17, African American, self-described as poor, and very talkative. Apparently she spent a very long time talking to Salinda. She was lamenting the fact that she didn’t have a job and didn’t know how to get one. Salinda told her, “You should meet my mom. She could help you.”

I found that to be a high compliment... that my daughter knew that I could help someone and more importantly that I would. She knows that I am busy, but she also knows that I care about people and am willing to do what I can.

It was also fun to see that my daughter, who often claims, when she is angry, that she’d rather be in juvenile detention than living in my house, is in the community offering her mother as one who can help.

We’ll see if anything comes of it. If so, I’ll do my best. But if not, it was nice to know that my kids believe that I am a mom who and will help other people.

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