Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Number One Priority

When I was thinking about marriage in my 20s, I knew I needed two things: A husband who was smarter than me, and one I couldn’t control. Finding a man like that was no easy task.

This Post should prove the first criteria to be completely true. I am consistently amazed at his intellect, his ability to articulate, and his insight.

And if you could hear our conversations, you would know that there has not been one minute of our marriage that I have been able to control him.

I’m grateful today to be married to someone with those two characteristics. The tasks God has entrusted us with are not easy ones, but each day we manage to get up, face the challenges, and keep going.

I don’t know that anyone else could do what Bart does -- passionately lead a congregation with tact and compassion, patiently deal with my personality 24/7, and parent 10 kids, 5 of whom have been really difficult. But he does it ... day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.

Though we don’t always see immediate rewards, I trust that one day he’ll look back and see how much his efforts have mattered in the world.

1 comment:

  1. is it strange that im commenting on posts you wrote 4 years ago? lol and also that since i wont be coming back this way since im reading back to front, ill never really know if you reply...

    anyways i laughed out loud and fully agree that i definately need to make those requirements for myself- a man who i CANT control, and a man smarter than me. so necessary!

    loving the blog, its like a really long book of a family's life story <3 hope youre all doing well in present time and eventually ill get there to read about it :)
