Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Ready for Bed at 6:30

The last week I have just been exhausted by bedtime. I’m not sure if it is all the responsibility of doing what Bart and I both do around here, getting adjusted to being back to work, just being finally moved and the let down that comes after something like that, or the fact that I’m exercising again, but by 6:30 I’m ready to lie down and go to bed. Unfortunately, the children who sleep until 8:30, or ELEVEN (not with my permission, but I can’t make myself do anything but let sleeping dogs lie, to use a metaphor) are not tired at all at 6:30.

Overall the kids have done quite well considering that they have no friends here and have nothing to do...(and they sure aren’t going to do anything helpful with all their free time). The bickering has been minimal and for the most part things have gone fairly OK.

So i don’t know why I’m SO tired...

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