Friday, July 14, 2006

Back in the Coffee Shop Again

It's cool, comfortable, cozy even. Well decorated and classy. Iced Tea costs $1.50 and it's one of the cheapest drinks and it is what I ordered.

I'm here to work, but I am so out of sync I'm not sure I can.

yesterday I only sent a couple of emails and they sounded like I was drunk. Didn't make any sense at all. I don't know that I will be able to stay here long.

Last night we were invited somewhere for dinner! It was a lot of fun, the kids were somewhat appropriate, and our host and hostess were gracious. Food was awesome. Everyone had a good time. We got home later than usual and it took a long time for everyone to settle down, but it was worth it.

i spent this morning on the phone scheduling next week. Lots of appointments in various places. Very busy.

I feel so out of touch with the world when I only blog once a day!

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