Monday, July 03, 2006


This entire morning I could not complete 10 minutes of anything without having to stop and referree or redirect or consequence. I managed to get somethings done, but it was very stressful. By the time lunch was over, I decided I better just give up so I took six kids to the Y. Told them I would stay an hour and then later I would pick them up. When I finished at the Y, they were all in the van waiting to come home again.

So we had to come home to more of the same. They finally got to the point where everyone has something to do, but now it’s 3:30 p.m. and I am shot. Exhausted. And a whole LOT of work left for me to do.

But I’ll keep plugging away.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate, its really hard to pack while keeping 6 of the 8 on task, and the other younger two out of trouble. I seriously contemplated jsut giving up and sending them outside. All being said i did manage 7 boxes packed.
