Thursday, July 20, 2006


We switched internet companies and this one seems to be working fine. It’s nice to have joined the land of the living. It has been surreal not being in touch with everyone. There are so many reasons why I am online every day and I felt like I had lost a limb. I know it’s dumb, but oh well. And now I have 324 messages to deal with in my in box. I will be able to delete many of them, but I have a lot left to do.

We have had quite a morning. John got a job!!!!! which should have been major celebration time but he had to spend the ride home and the hour following being defiant, mean spirited and awful. I should have predicted this, since Cindy's Joey just got a job too and acted about like John did. Anyway, he starts the 31st and that will be a huge relief for me that he has something to do.

I have been pulled in every single direction lately by all the children ... everyone wants me to do something for them at this VERY moment and if I am not serving them, but happen to be serving someone else, I get so much criticism. Even when I try very hard to meet needs, I can’t meet them all.

That and the fact that I am so far behind with work because of email being down, and I have more than enough stress in my life.

But I am grateful that everything in the house is working at this moment. I will not be knocking on wood as that didn’t help at all last time.

So far my new internet service provider has made me VERY VERY happy -- tech support has live people and they help me immediately. The other company, which if they treat me poorly when I cancel them (as soon as I get the new email completely set up) I will broadcast their name everywhere, was not at all helpful. Sometimes a 30 minute wait to talk to automated voices....

I now must get to work - I need to dive into that email as soon as I can get things set up.


  1. I've been following your blog for a while, and I often find myself wondering how you manage to get any work done at all. It seems your kids are frequently acting out in one way or another, and I don't know how you manage to deal with their behavior and take care of your job.

    My partner and I work at home (we are computer programmers) and we had one out-of-control foster child. For the 11 days she was here, we couldn't manage to get a lick of client-billable work done because we were too busy dealing with her behavior.

    Even when our foster daughter was at summer school, we still couldn't get any work done because we were constantly on the phone talking to school officials, her social worker and mental health professionals about her behavior. It was insane.

    It was a huge relief when she was finally removed. Her behavior escalated to the point of violence, and we simply couldn't deal with it. Although we were incredibly sad that things didn't work out, we realized that her needs and behavior problems went far beyond what we, as new foster parents, could manage.

    We lost about 2.5 weeks of client billable work because of her 11-day stay. After she left, it took several days to be able to get back on schedule. We had a lot of recovering to do from the emotional aftermath. I don't see how you manage with the behaviors you see every single day.

    Your ability to work and stay on track is a testament to your determination as a parent. I don't think my partner and I would be able to stay the course for as long as you and your husband. You are doing great things for your kids, even if they don't always appreciate it.

  2. Thanks for the compliment. There are days when I wonder where the edge is and how close I am getting to it.

    Since the move it has been particularly difficult, but once school starts I think we will be OK.
