Thursday, July 06, 2006

A First

I took a nap at 7:30 in the evening. Never before have I laid down so late in the day to try to sleep.

Emotionally exhausted, but not quite as much as Bart is today, I came up with a plan to give us the psychic space we needed to make it through a more than trying week. We sent the boys to the Fun Days Carnival (their sister, un-named and still not speaking to me) chose to remain home. We then went out for a wonderful meal... although I could only eat a bowl of soup and a half an appetizer before I was full (I had a virgin mango daqueri though, and it was GOOD).

We came back home and it was my intention to work some more but I was just so exhausted I decided to nap. So from 7:30 to 8:30 at night, that is exactly what I did for the first time in my life.

Bart has blogged about it so well I can’t imagine adding anything profound to it, but the children and I will not be returning to our former community for the funeral and that is difficult. We have prior commitments that day and some of our kids would not handle the event well, so we will be staying here. It is so hard knowing that our friends are reeling in pain and we, at a distance, can do so little. I have complete confidence that Bart is God’s man for this particular task, but it ways heavy on me to not be able to be at his side.

In times like these, life is placed into perspective and it becomes clearly obvious that God’s strength is all that any of us can use to get us through.

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