Monday, July 31, 2006

God Speaks, Yeah, to Me

and I’m not nuts. It doesn’t happen very often and there are many who would dismiss it as me talking to myself.

I have spent a month looking for social security cards -- they were in an envelope when we moved in a file. Then they weren’t in the file anymore. Salinda and I even spent an afternoon going through every single file in every drawer (3 four drawer cabinets) looking for them to no avail.

The night before we left for NACAC I was really desperate. I prayed, “Lord, I REALLY need you to tell me where the cards are. On the 31st John has to have it to start working.” Immediately the words, “They are underneath all the files, still in the same drawer, laying flat in an envelope.”

The next day we left for California and were gone a whole week. But every time I thought about the cards and how we were going to have to get new ones, I remembered -- they’re lying flat in the filing cabinet. By the time we got home it was almost as though I was believing it as fact.

It wasn’t until 9:30 last night that I had time to check. Now how faithless am I? So faithless that I was AMAZED that they were exactly where God said they were.

So, skeptics, believe what you will, but I asked God one time, I got an answer, and they were exactly where God said they were.

THANKS be to God.


  1. That is so awesome, i cant say God has been that specific in speaking to me but he defitnely helped me find things.

  2. Oh me, too! I don't think He has ever spoken OUT LOUD to me, but I'll say something like "God help me find such and such" and a few minutes later it will suddenly come to me where to look. God is so good!
