Monday, July 31, 2006

Hitting the Big Time

This coming Sunday night I’m going to be a guest speaker on Pat O’Brien’s Live Call-in Radio show. It’s on every Sunday night You can read about the show on the You Gotta Believe website and on Sunday night at 8 eastern time you can listen live on the internet if you go to this website and click on Listen Live.

Here is what Pat wrote about the show. I hope everyone will be able to listen to it, and I’m glad that it’s going to be live and that I will never listen to it...That would be too intimidating.

    "Our topic of this evening will be the discussion of a unique post-adoption service.  Our guest speaker will be Claudia Fletcher who will be speaking about how to utilize a blog to support adoptive parents who are parenting challenging children.   Pat O'Brien met Mrs. Fletcher at the recent NACAC conference in Long Beach when he attended a workshop she did on Humor and Parenting.  During that workshop Ms. Fletcher talked about how important it was to talk to other supportive adoptive parents during the hard times.   She shared during her workshop that when one has a blog it is very therapeutic in that not only is one writing things down like in a journal or a diary, but one has the opportunity to communicate with a whole bunch of supportive people who will read it and even share their comments and perspectives if they so desire.  It was a fabulous and creative way for adoptive parents to support each other and we will be speaking with Claudia on Sunday night about her unique blog and her unique life experiences. 
    Claudia Fletcher is the wife of a clergyperson.  She is also an adoption professional. She is both an Adoption Worker for the Permanent Family Resource Center of Fergus Falls in Minnesota and an Adoption Matching Specialist with The Adopt America Network.   Oh, and by the way, she and her husband happen to be the adoptive parents of 10 children who moved into their home over the course of eight years who are now ages 19, 17, 17, 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 11, and 10.   Yes the Rev. and Mrs. Fletcher are currently raising 10 teens and 'tweens.  Talk about having an expert guest on our radio program.   This is an hour long discussion you do not want to miss.
    If you'd like to see what Mrs. Fletcher's blog looks like feel free to log on to  "     


  1. WOW!!! Claudia, this is awesome!

    And someday I will say, "I knew her when..."

  2. I hope you will remind us of this on Saturday and again on Sunday! I"d love to listen but I"m so darn forgetfull.....
