Sunday, July 30, 2006

Last Mention of Pat O'Brien for awhile

He now has my blog address. I don’t know if he’ll look it up, but if he does he will probably freak out and think that I’m going to start stalking him. Cindy mentioned him and quoted him this morning.

It was really cool to have him hear me speak...I was a little taken back, since for years he has done the “Laughter” session at NACAC and I was doing something similar, but he said nice things about it afterwards.

We left feeling this had been the best NACAC conference so far. The location was awesome -- better than any in years previously as far as accessibility to places to eat and a great location to walk around. We felt more comfortable, knew more people, and found some of the sessions to be more relevant than ever. We got lots of good feedback about our presentations. I came back with a brain full of ideas of new things I can do in both of my job and as a parent. It was a great week.

Everything went perfectly with our travel (though we got to the gate of our transferring flight 6 minutes before they were closing the doors) until we got into Minneapolis. Our luggage did not arrive with us when we arrived at 11:20 p.m. We filed a claim and then had to wait for the shuttle. Bart’s C-Pap was packed so he had a hard time sleeping after we arrived home at 2:15. It will be a tiring day.

Off to church and then it will be time to go pick up Tony and then the girls. I think I’m going to have to change my plan as my friend Meg, who has Tony, has no air conditioning and it’s supposed to be 104 today. She was supposed to meet me half way, but I think I’m going to go farther.

I hope I’ll have energy to help get ready for the Meet and Greet tonight...

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