Friday, July 07, 2006

Pit Gitting Deaper

Today was just a dumb day. I’m pretty tired of most of my blog being whiny, but I’m feeling a little whiny.

This morning I was determined to get some stuff done at my desk. I was able to sit here from about 9 until about 10:15, but then it all ceased to go well. Unnamed one came in for our conversation and asked if I would take her to get a new phone charger. I made plans to do that, but then .... and I’m not going to go through all the boring details but let’s just say John had to have a long, non-sensical argument with me. I then went to get groceries because we had very little for lunches and found the perfect gift for Bart for Father’s Day/Birthday/Anniversary -- something I had never bothered to do because they all happened in June right after the move. This particular item caused much stress for the woman at Walmart and we ended up being there for over an hour... I got back just in time to run out of the door with Dominyk for his psychiatrist appointment.

The psychiatrist was thorough, which I appreciate, but it ended up taking 2 hours with travel time. I sat down to work for a little over an hour before they called to say Bart’s computer had been repaired -- at a whopping charge. So I went to get back, returned to have John screaming in my face once again because I dared correct his behavior and ask for some help.

John has himself buried into a deep hole right now because of his choices. Instead of accepting responsibility for any of them, he blames the rest of the world. Classic example: I have told him that the amount I am willing to spend on football gear for the fall will be determined by how much time he spends getting exercise and working out this summer (an attempt to motivate him to do SOMETHING). Today he lost his YMCA card and it costs $5.00 to get it replaced. I offered to let him work for money, even though he is in debt, to pay for a new card. He is refusing to work but now saying that he has no way to get to the YMCA so he will not have any money for football gear.

I am a survivor and all of this fatalistic, it’s not my fault, I can’t do it thinking has me so frustrated. He expects me to bail him out of every mess, and the more I try to teach acceptance of responsibility and maturity the more he fights it.

Now he is in a deep pit and getting deeper with his choices, and I am with my work load, and when both of us are at pit’s bottom, it’s not a good time.

But tonight we get to have people over for dinner, so I need to at least make sure the dishwasher-repair-guy-dirty-footprint-mess is mopped up before they get here.

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