Friday, July 28, 2006

We Made It Into the Palm Pilot of the Guru

I felt like Kari did in this post when Pat O'Brien came to Bart’s seminar and waited to talk to him. I got to meet him and was so thrilled because for years I have heard him speak at NACAC and been inspired by his work with You Gotta Believe in New York City.

His reason for talking with us was to suggest that we submit a proposal about how to use blogs as a post-adoption support venue because Bart had mentioned it in his seminar (which, by the way, I did end up attending and was glad I did).

Afterwards he put us in his palm pilot indicating he might want to interview Bart for their weekly radio program.

I was not shy in declaring my worship of him, making it clear to him that I think he is awesome because he agrees with me.

I also attending a seminar today which showed the film Las Hijas which you cannot buy yet, but which I recommend purchasing for anyone who has adopted daughters transracially when it becomes available.

My final seminar of the day was about using technology in recruitment and I heard about The Drifter's Project which is awesome. I could do something like this and hope that some day I can.

Tomorrow morning I present and then the week will be over already. As usual, it’s been energizing.

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