Wednesday, July 26, 2006

When Vacation Isn't Vacation

People think I'm on vacation, but I'm not. I'm just getting more done than ever.

I was at the computer today a little after six and stayed at it until almost 1:00 when we checked out of the hotel and had some very authentic Mexican food -- so authentic, that the ketchup tasted gross and there was used toilet paper in the bathroom trash (I always hated ketchup in Mexico and Mexican's don't flush their toilet paper -- long story). Anyway, I digress. We drove around and saw more of Long Beach.

We checked into the conference hotel by 3 and I was at it again. I rested a little while and worked some more. Now it's almost five and I'm going down to get us registered.

One of the things about conference hotels is that nothing is cheap or easy -- so we'll have to decide how far we want to walk, or if we want to drive and pay extra parking to get meals, etc.

I did not accomplish as much as I wanted to today, but I got a lot done. I'm hoping to have energy to work more tonight, but Bart may persuade me to do something more fun than sitting here processing email and filling out court paperwork for one of my families.

1 comment:

  1. I can't say that I've ever experienced Mexican ketchup, but I've heard that they don't flush paper because it tends to clog up the already poorly-functioning sewer systems.

    You have my sympathy about the "vacation that isn't a vacation" thing. As a self-employed geek, I never manage to get vacation even when I'm supposed to be on vacation. Inevitably, a client will call with a question or problem that can't wait until I come back.

    The last time I took a vacation, where I left my home and went somewhere for two whole weeks, was back in 1998. Since then, the most I've managed is a long weekend. Sigh...
