Friday, August 25, 2006

Are They Here Yet?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder makes for an interesting life, especially when it is in a mild form. Now I am not saying that it is an easy life for anyone nor would I want to have it in any extreme form, but Dominyk’s can sometimes be amusing for me. I don’t know why I find it amusing as opposed to it driving me completely insane ... maybe it’s because we’ve had him since he was a baby (9 months), but when he gets stuck on something I can pretty much respond appropriately and be cheerful.

I do not exaggerate when I say that within a 5 minute time frame he asked 20 times “Are they here yet?” We are waiting for Kari and her family to arrive (yup, you guessed it, we need the shower in the upstairs bathroom fixed). Sometimes we get a good deal -- Mike comes over and does a huge project for take out pizza. But tonight I think they’re getting the deal... it should be a simple project and Bart has spent the day in the kitchen -- sauce made from tomatoes from the garden of a parishioner with his own blend of spices added to a homemade lasagna. Fresh loaves of homemade Italian bread (and not from a machine) and two kinds of dessert -- frosted buttermilk brownies AND chocolate chip bars.

Anyway, I digress. Dominyk sat and said “Are they here yet” 20 times, “Can you look outside and see if they are here yet?” ten times and several other variations of the request. “When are they going to get here?” “Why aren’t they here yet?” “Why didn’t you tell them to come earlier?”

So I just listened, answered when I could, and shot this picture...he looks pretty irritated with me, huh?

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