Friday, August 25, 2006

Google Ads

I’m cracking up. Apparently google ads searches through the text on the page to find key words and puts them together to select what things to offer you.

Since I mentioned that I was completely alone, except for the dog, in one post, and in another post stated that I preferred farting boy testosterone to estrogen, the two choices for you to click on at this moment are:

“Walter the Farting Dog” and “Don’t Fret Dog Flatulence.” Apparently you you can train your dog and stop his flatulence.

Let me tell you, I don’t fret a lot, but in this house, we have bigger issues to fret than dog flatulence.

1 comment:

  1. I already clicked on your "Walter, the Farting Dog" link because my father-in-law is a Walter ... and he farts. The family here sure got a laugh out of it!
