Saturday, August 26, 2006

Kyle and Anna

As you can read about in Kari's blog Kyle has been working with Ben this summer as his PCA. In the process of doing so he has developed a unique relationship with Anna. I have really enjoyed watching Kyle with her as I can see that he really enjoys her. And she idolizes him. When I see him with her I see a whole different side of his personality and realize just what a great teacher he is going to be (he’s studying elementary ed).

Today Kyle will go back to college. Last year, I blogged about this. This summer, because of our move, Kyle has been her almost ALL the time. He had no other friends, so unless he was with Ben’s family working, he was here with his siblings. It’s going to be weird around here without him.

I’ll miss him, but I so remember what it was like to be him -- so excited to go back to college and see his friends. I counted the minutes every time I went home until I could go back again. So while I’m sad to see him go, I’m happy that he has a place to go that he loves and that he is excited to be doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing -- getting decent grades at a Christian university that we pray will help to mold him into the person we know he can become.

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