Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Last night

Last night Salinda had her fall sports meeting. So we went to the Auditorium at the new high school to be surrounded by other 7th and 8th grade boys and girls who were less than thrilled to be seen sitting with their parents. Salinda was probably least thrilled of all.

However, once it was over, she was feeling much better about things and actually joined me for a nice quick supper at Taco Bell, just the two of us. Then Tony asked if I would watch a movie with them, so I took my laptop into the family room and worked/watched Peter Pan. He was being the “host” and did a great job of serving everyone snacks. He was in a fine mood.

Of course, by bedtime Salinda, who has been skirting around most of the expectations of our home, decided she could have ice cream without asking, which I told her she could not have. So, after I had made sure that she put it away, she refused to be civil to me. I told her I was not surprised that regardless of how things went during the day, and how much she was able to get from me, that if one thing happened at night, she couldn’t say goodnight. I told her I loved her and went to bed.

Pretty uneventful night. Not quite as eventful as Bart's night in his hometown.

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