Tuesday, August 22, 2006

OCD Tendencies

I think I have a few obsessive-compulsive tendencies. If you’ve seen my work area or the house, it has nothing to do with cleanliness, so don’t picture me hurredly running through the house making sure it’s spotless.

But when it comes to other things, I definitely have some of those tendencies. For example, since I signed up for Top Blog I hvae had to check it at least every hour to find that I am stuck at number four without a lot of hope of going higher... and then I had to go help Cindy join and she’ll probably pass me up by the end of today. Why would someone as competitive as I HELP her upload her stuff and get her sight somewhere to compete with me? I am still trying to figure that one out.

And Then I signed up for these blog advertising things and so I have to check multiple times a day to see how much money I’m making. Grand total now of $5.37. Keep clicking folks. (I mean really, how much time does it take you to click a time or two every time you visit the blog?)

And, on Sunday, in the midst of attempting to find a quick way to remedy our financial situation I went to one of those surveys where you can win a gift card or something. Now going there was stupid, but staying there proves that not only do I have OCD tendencies but I’m lacking intellect as well. I couldn’t make myself quit. I was determined to find out how long they were going to make me keep selecting no. I’m not sure if I really did get the gift card, but I finished the stupid thing.

So today I need to begin some compulsion management in regards to checking those silly websites. I’m sure that if I wait hours, I’ll still not be much over $6.00 and I’ll either be at #4 or #5 on the top blogs (depending on whether or not Cindy catches up to me).


  1. We are NOT competeing, we are in the trenches TOGETHER!

  2. Oh brother. I so hate it when people don't want to compete. What is life without competition (can you see my personality peeking through)

    It's like playing cards with someone who doesn't care whether they win or lose.

    And you can say this only because you KNOW that you're going to pass me up today...
