Friday, August 04, 2006

Running Away and 5 Full minutes of Non-Stop Button Pushing

So, we go to the Y and Jimmy, who a few weeks ago, couldn’t get a point playing racquetball with me, has been watching and learning and beat the pants off of me (not literally, fortunately). I was angry and very sore as yesterday I had played basketball with him as the racquetball courts were closed and the day before we had played. Apparently every muscle from my right wrist to the middle of my back was sore, and by the time I was done today I was pretty frustrated and in a lot of pain.

After my home visit I picked up JImmy and then Dominyk and we headed home. I knew John was going to ask to go somewhere even though he is grounded. I made the huge mistake of giving in yesterday and taking them to the pit and I knew I was going to pay. But yesterday when I was taking them I said, “This is it for the weekend. Now that you think that you can force me to do something, I’m going to have to show you that when I mean no I mean no.”

(This was a result of John making the comment, “you can say whatever you want, but I know you’ll do what I say.” Not exactly good for him to believe that when we’re trying to reinforce boundaries).

So, anyway, I knew when I got home I was in for it, but I didn’t realize how persistent he was going to be. I had vowed not to let things escalate. So he literally tried everything.

First he said, “Can I please go to the pit?”

No, you’re grounded. You could take me.

I’m not going to, as I told you yesterday. Nothing until Sunday.

You never said that.

yada yada yada

Then he said, “i’ll make you pay.” and went downstairs to crank his rap music, which he knows I hate. Then he came upstairs and messed with the washing machine, something he’s not supposed to touch because somehow everytime he does something goes awry.

Then it was the “I’m ordering football equipment right now.” I have told him at least 50 times that we will order it after the meeting on Tuesday night when we find out what he needs.

Then he was going to go to the pit anyway on his roller blades . I said, “if you do you’ll be grounded for another week, and if you go without permission then, you’ll lose your rides to work. But I guess if you can go all the way to the pit on the blades, you can probably get to work too.”

Then it was he was going to wear his new school clothes (another lengthy battle -- I had told him not to buy them so early, because it would be hard to wait to wear them).

Then he said, “You know what I’m doing tomorrow?”

By this time I had packed up my computer and informed Bart that I was heading somewhere else to work as I had a report to put in the mail tomorrow and it was obvious I was going to get nothing done there.

So I responded, “go to work and be grounded” and shut the door.

Now I’m at Dunn Brothers, feeling GUILTY for spending $3.00 when we just found out that the sink in the bathroom is so old that we will probably have to replace it -- but it’s built in. This has been such a hard summer financially that we are really having to count on God to come through for us in a big way. It’s a real test of faith.

But anyway, I ran away. I called to check on Bart and apparently John is saving everything for me, so he’s fine right now. Probably planning his assault upon my return.

And I am going to get my report done and stay until I can emotionally feel strong enough to go back and withhold my comments so things don’t escalate.

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