Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I wanted to clarify something in a spare moment I have today. The email I referred to in this post was not one where I felt like I was being attacked. The writer actually did it privately and was candid and honest. She did not make me feel accused or like she did not support me.

I appreciate everyone’s encouraging comments, and I believe that those of you who posted that way are people who have been in this position and are having to try the anti-instinctive parenting approach of natural consequences. However, 5 years ago if you had suggested to me what I did last night would work, I would have laughed out loud in your face.

One more thing on the issue that is quite interesting is that I did mention to MIke this morning that I found it odd that he would make the choice to hang out with the same kid he had made such a bad choice with the night before. He insisted that that particular kid wasn’t there, but Bart knows it was the same kid. I am wondering if he is even remembering that the kid was there as he didn’t have the look on his face that he usually does when he isn’t telling the truth.

So anyway, just wanted to defend the emailer as one who I feel is on my side, though able to disagree with me, and thank everyone for their responses.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Claudia
    What you posted about Mike and parenting is where we are at with our 14 yr old. It's hard to give up the "regular" way of parenting to do it differently for her. But it hasn't worked yet for her so I'm starting to wonder if we should take the approach you do with Mike now. Although she shouldn't have the freedom he has just because of age alone. I often wonder why she chooses to stay with people when they treat her like dirt. But then I wonder if she even remembers that they did. It's so hard to know where that line is.
