Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Criticism, the Onslaught, and Many Emotions

This afternoon I received some criticism about a couple of different things that got on my nerves. I don’t know why, but I don’t like it when people don’t like what I do. If I am proud of something, I want praise and when I don’t get it, I get frustrated. And the person, who will remain nameless, that criticized my work hardly EVER can find anything good about what I do. My theory has something to do with envy, but I suppose that sounds egotistical.

Then the kids came home in a huge rush of energy -- again, all having agenda’s. Ricardo had homework, that we have now finished. There were arguments about snack and all kinds of other lovely interchanges. Rand has disappeared, most likely not to do homework. Dominyk is hiding, I’m sure, to keep him from having to do his homework.

And now Bart just received word that his grandmother is dying. We’re going to stop and see her on the way up to pick up Mike, but I am scheduled to head to Toledo for a strategic planning meeting next week, so the timing is not good. He’s not really ready for her to die and I don’t know how to be very supportive in these situations.

Maybe I’ll just repress, supress and ignore. That’s going to be my new theme song. Repress, supress, ignore, oh yeah (like Lion’s, TIgers, and Bears, Oh My)

On a different note, I just read Eden's Secret Journal from cover to cover and liked it. Took about 1/2 hour. WEll worth the read. I’m going to have some of my kids read it if they will.

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