Monday, September 18, 2006

Dreams as a Form of Perspective

I have a very active dream life that I inherited from my father. In fact, my dreaming and my driving (and possibly my nose) would be your only clues that he is my dad. He is a gentle, calm, quiet guy (you get the idea).

Anyway, I have lots of dreams every night and they are seldom scary and always interesting. I was telling Dominyk yesterday that the night before I had a dream than men of several ethnicities were kissing me and he said, “Oh yeah, Dad’s gonna hear about THAT!”

Last night after I went to bed, I found Salinda in Mike and Rands room. Everything they were doing was pretty innocent, but I had made it clear to her that if they were going to stay up it wasn’t going to be in one of their bedrooms. Needless to say she wasn’t very happy that she had been caught and I’m not very happy that she can’t be trusted.

It took me a long time afterwards to go to sleep. When I finally did, I was back in the same scene again. I had gone downstairs thinking Salinda might be in the boys room and she was, with a third guy who was not her brother who was almost completely disrobed. He was in the process of atempting to make me a grandmother way too soon and I interrupted them. The dream continued as I had to track down this other eighth grader, talk to his parents, etc.

When I woke up to relieve my TTB, I was planning how to adequately consequence Salinda for having a boy in her room ready to do unspeakable things and then it hit me “She didn’t do that! All she did was go down and visit her brothers!”

Each time I woke up during the night my mind went through the same process as I would forget what had been a dream and what was reality.

So, I have a bit better perspective this morning. I’m still not thrilled that she chose to disregard what I said, but she could have being doing something much worse.

I’m glad I dream.

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