Friday, September 01, 2006

My Morning Routine

If you know anything about Fly Lady (and no, I’m not going to get paid if you click there). you know that there needs to be a morning routine set up if you want to have a productive day. So I thought I’d share my morning routine -- it has a few things in it that are a little different than “normal peoples.”

I wake up. I either get right up or lay there and try to go back to sleep because I don’t feel like getting up. Too much detail? Sorry, I’ll shorten it up.

When I get up, I gather my clothes into a pile on my bed. My room must be kept locked, so I put my keys, any cash I have, my cell phone, etc. into my shoes. I grab everything and go downstairs to shower, locking the bedroom door. My office is next to the downstairs bathroom, but my office has to remain locked, even when I’m showering. So I take everything, shoes included, into the bathroom. After my bathroom routine, which I don’t feel it is necessary, nor prudent to share in detail, I come out, change laundry, and then unlock my office door to come in and catch up on the lives of all my blogging friends, blog myself, and then get to work.

I suppose most of it is fairly normal, but all the locking and unlocking gets tedious and sometimes makes me resentful. When we first moved here, nothing was locked, but things started to disappear, thus the locks, just like in the “old house.”

Better get to work ...


  1. Yep, we lock our bedroom door, too. We also keep the matches, most medications, and some beer in there. Can't leave them out, unfortunately. Even so, I still have to search one room regularly for things like matches and meds that he finds in random places and saves.

    Means I can't call home and ask one of my trusty teens to light the grill and start dinner, ever. And no one can get cold meds or Tylenol unless Ric or I am home. We haven't gone to locking up the knives, but considering what the one has done to our furniture, we probably should have.

    We never planned on living like this, either.

  2. I appreciate your concern that comes from conclusions that you have drawn.

    However, it is summer and I get up much earlier than the children. The morning routine, according to the Fly Lady, is what you do when you first wake up.

    What I neglected to mention is what happens later in the morning when they come in to see me as soon as they wake up and I visit with them, talk to them about their nights sleep, ask them about the day to come, hug them, kiss them, etc.
