Monday, September 04, 2006

One Game Limit

On Saturday some of us celebrated Rand’s birthday late by going bowling, at his request. Bart despises bowling, so we didn’t make him go, and Jimmy and Salinda opted not to go.

The first game was fun. Expensive but fun. But the beginning of the 2nd game, Dominyk lost it and Sadie, who provoked him until he lost it, became the object of his obsession. Everything that happened from then on was his fault.
He was cussing and throwing mini tantrums, and yelling. Fortunately there were very few other people there. I guess other people had something else to do for labor day weekend.

Anyway, that sounded negative, but the truth is, we all had a great time that first game. It would have been best to stop after that first game though. Nothing like spending LOTS of money for nobody to have fun.

I’ll have to remind myself that just as some people impose a one drink limit, our family should have a one game limit and leave wanting more.

I did force them to pose for a picture though. :-)

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